
<a href=" - Jellopet" class="display-item">Jellobunny - Jellopet</a>

Jellobunny - Jellopet

Category: Jellopets


  • Star! Come in all colours.
  • Register your pet at the MASTERLIST, too!
  • Found inWaldiaGrassland, and Palmia

Bouncy and full of energy, Jellobunnies thrive in the forests of Waldia and the grassy meadows of Grassland, where they can roam freely in groups. They’re known for their bright colors and delightful scents, often hopping between bushes and meadows to munch on Jukeeeberrys. Occasionally, they can also be found in the vibrant city of Palmia, where they explore gardens and parks. Jellobunnies are agile and skittish, but their social nature makes them happy in larger groups.

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