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<a href=" Trait Upgrade" class="display-item">Event Trait Upgrade</a>

Event Trait Upgrade

Category: Single Trait Upgrades

EVENT trait upgrade

• Gives you 1x Event Trait

By purchasing a trait potion, it will be bound to the season it is purchased in:

Spring Traits Timeframe - February 1st until the last day of April.
Summer Traits Timeframe - May 1st until the last day of July.
Fall Traits Timeframe - August 1st until the last day of October.
Winter Traits Timeframe - November1st until the last day of January.

Also, available for:
15 € / 1,500 :points: / 150x Jelloblocks

Purchase here with Points: (Contact TaNa-Jo, so we can add the item to your Lorekeeper account)

Purchase here with PayPal: (Contact TaNa-Jo, so we can add the item to your Lorekeeper account)

1 result found.