NOTE: is currently in a state of Beta Testing. We are working on many updates currently to make this species better for the community. Please be patient with us as we work through these updates. You may find things such as outdated or work in progress content, or even otherwise blank pages. These will all be fixed in due time, we just request that you are patient with us in the meantime!


<a href=" Pet MYO" class="display-item">Special Pet MYO</a>

Special Pet MYO

Category: Jellopets ( Jelloworm, Faemith, Etc )


Can be made into most real or fantasy animals ! Please read below for all exclusions. 

  • Animals excluded are ones that could be mistaken for a jellocat. You may have a cat like pet, but it must be clearly not a jellocat work around. A cat with no eyes and all the traits of a jellocat for example would fall under this. 
  • Mini Me's ( jellocat copies made in to pets ) are not allowed. This rule was made right after the only one was created to avoid hive mind or jellocat work arounds. 
  • Hivemind Pets are not allowed.
  • The special pet cannot be made into a copyrighted animal ( ex: Pokémon, Digimon, Brian Griffin, general IP copywritten characters ) but can be loosely based.
  • Please check with us in discord for any questions !
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